Monday 9 June 2014

When people become business...

Have you ever had one of those days, when you were all excited to go to work, you prepared a list of what you were going to accomplish that day, and then you kept getting interrupted - all day long!?!?

When the day ended and you left work your list wasn't finished, in fact, it looked a little longer than when you started. 

In our disconnected post-modern world of technology and loneliness it is so easy to turn people into business.  Work.  Tasks that get in the way of the "real" work you are trying to do.  We don't intend for it to happen, but somehow - over time - people begin to get in the way of what you want to get done.  Your personal productivity is hampered by the people in your life.

It is here I will say STOP!  Hold On!  Wait.

When did people become less important than work?  When did persons - like actual living, breathing, hurting, crying people - get pushed in the widget category?

Here is the News Flash.  People are your job!  It is them who need you - not your computer or your deadline.  People cannot interrupt your work - they come first - they supersede it - they are the reason you do it - any of it! 

The Lord of heaven and earth revealed His will for His creation.  And it is all about relationships.  Your relationship with God, and your relationship with your neighbour.  God does not want you put people second in this life.  He wants you to put their needs above your own.

St. Paul writes, "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves." (Php. 2:3)

No, I know, it is impossible.  You cannot do this every moment of every day.  It just isn't in you.  But there is One who can.  Who has!  For you.

Consider Christ Jesus, who though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.  And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross." (Php. 2:6-8)

You are not an interruption to Christ.  You are not an item on His list.  You are His treasure - His love - and He has given His very self to save you from your selfishness.  His selflessness has overcome your selfishness - and He frees you - yes, every moment of every day.  All of His work is to your credit, and you will always be His focus. 

Have you ever had one of those days...  

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